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Writer: RuinaRuina

Updated: 1 day ago

@historyloverbelle once asked me if I find any historical figure hard to draw. I am no genius, of course I find many faces hard to draw, the criteria being if I cannot connect with the person’s eyes, then they would be quite difficult for me. Heydrich Reinhard is one such person. I always present his eyes as somewhat glassy, and there’s nothing I could do about it.

I actually don’t use reichblr tag often because I know I don’t connect well with the eyes of personalities such as Heydrich. They have drastically different temperaments with the Wehrmacht generals, in whom I take great comfort.

But it doesn’t mean I have no understanding with people who have different fandom orientation for me, not to mention that in a broader sense I am part of the family. I have a very simple quiz to distinguish real neo-N@zis from reichblrs, which I mentioned in the comment section of a post. I call it “the height metaphor”.

Humans are supposed to be afraid of height. Heights are dangerous. I know where people are coming from when saying “stay away from heights! Heights bad! Don’t you dare like it!” But the suicidal tendency in me, as indeed is the case for me personally, would feel instant calm when I’m at a dangerous edge of a building, like, I’m coming face to face with life’s own brutal mortality consolidated in one single point, I’m suddenly OK. See, a weakened and/or transformed dose of death would prevent you from actually go die. It works like a vaccine.

But for me, the real Neo-N@zis works differently. They are ones who actively bring people up at the edge of a building, taunting them to jump, or downright shove them down the edge. These assholes would laugh at you when you drop to your untimely death, saying “You die of height because you are weak, since you are weak, you are a waste of space. Only the strong fascists matter”. They go about construction high buildings with no safety protocols and praise its ideological virtues, so more people are going to fall off the edges. It is a despicable virus.

Self-righteous online warriors who go about dumping the two groups into one big Nazi category doesn’t really alleviate anything. Also troubling are the delusional folks from the opposite spectrum who go in lengths to convince others heights are not dangerous.

Since there has been this non-stop confusion about the reichblr/neo N@zi distinction, I hereby clarify the strict and clear criteria by which I call someone out as Neo N@zi or criminal.

One- the person propagandizes via visual, audio, text or multimeddia materials in any way possible, negative or positive, for the purpose of recruiting, promoting, spreading, protecting etc. a known ongoing active group that is listed on USA and/or United Nation terrorist watch list, its none official affiliates included. The terrorist group can be political, ideological, and/or religious in nature, and it has to have a criminal end goal that it seeks to fulfill in the current state of affairs.

But for example, if you call yourself a French-Revolutionary era Jacobite political party bloody lunatic, you’re cool, I don’t mind.

Two- the person possesses visual, audio, text or multimeddia materials that can be deemed criminal by the court of law, or the person acts criminally in accordance to the said material; examples being pedophilia, execution videos from extreme gangs, doxxed images or info of mass shooting victims. If any websites or individuals host or store these materials, even if privately, FBI or other law enforcement are required to track you down in order to destroy the data and put you behind bars.

Three- the person engages in “call-to-action” to an unspecified audience that they have no reasonable ways to monitor, and it stands to reason that this calling to action runs the risk of escalating into criminal territory.

I don’t care if your calling to action is “let’s punch a nazi”, because, FYI, the Nazi violence in its original form, was calling to action to end a globalist conspiracy threatening the extinction of legitimate nations whose rich history runs up to Roman Pagan antiquity, the root of perceived white culture. However, by a series of brain-dead ideologies, the power that be pinned this nebulous shit on the Jews, just to be racist and thought police. Let’s be fucking honest, you can’t tell Jews apart from the general white population, von Manstein’s family was half Polish Jew, it was thinly veiled disgusting power grab.

Therefore, I see these “punch a nazi” people and the nazis themselves as two sets of identical idiots fighting fire with fire, especially when the « nazi » in these people’s minds isn’t concrete in definition as to be able to stand in the court of law, thus always necessitates a level of thought policing.

Four- for my self defense. If anybody targets me personally that would jeopardize my physical and/or online safety, I will fight you to the bitter end. That said, please do not expect me to engage in any sort of online drama to fight for you, if the other people you are calling out do not fit the previous 3 criteria. If they do, I will call the police and flag them to Tumblr, don’t worry.

OK over.



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