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How strong is his Mars?- George Patton

I am back to my series- “How strong is his Mars?” YAY. These little commentaries are my efforts to test a theory in Astrology community- you’ve got to have a strong Mars to be competent in the military. Out of the blue, I’d like to write a bit on our old Allied general George.

Anyway, is that theory true? Let’s find out with George Patton.

To me, what immediately jumps out about him is his Mars square Pluto.

A Mars-Pluto square makes the native stubborn in his violence; a constant subtext in Patton’s mind would be “I’ve got to kill something”. If unfortunately the native is unable to find things to kill, like an opportune cockroach, he would find enemies in his poor colleagues for one reason or another.

He would turn every single little cooperation into a competition, and he has to win, or he’s going to lose it. Those who are able to maintain a cordial relationship with him are probably strong people who are OK with workplace competitions, or even those who enjoy it. His Scorpio Sun may accentuate this Plutonian trait, since Pluto rules Scorpio. Maybe Eisenhower could maintain a friendly enemy dynamic with him for the friendship to work.

However, there are two facets of Patton’s Mars that bestow a kind of calm subtlety to it- 1, it is a Virgo Mars, and Virgo Mars natives are detail oriented, slow moving problem solvers. 2, the Pluto that squares the Mars is in 12th house; there will be certain points when his subconscious mind goes through deepest transformations.

A 12th house Pluto has so much hidden past-life turmoil that could render Patton powerless, and the powerlessness could lash out via Mars by violence, pure violence, and nothing else. Some astrologers consider 12th Pluto psychic, but I think it depends on where the subconscious transformations takes him- there’s good chance that this placement eventually endows him with very innovative concepts.

12th Pluto type psychic ability, in my opinion, is more akin to a warlock’s magic attacks rather than far-seeing clairvoyance. For example, even if Patton’s battlefield fortune-telling doesn’t seem much, if you get kicked by him once, your physical ass may be OK after a couple of hospital visits, but your astral ass may forever bear a bruise for all spirit world to see. So don’t get kicked by Patton, you're going to look embarrassing in front of the fairies.

What’s interesting, Model, Rommel and Von Manstein all have Mars in a harmonious aspect with Neptune (trine or sextile), plus other beneficial aspect to Neptune- this symbolizes true artistry and clairvoyance when they conduct any action- almost like they’re psychic on some level in order to make magic happen.

But Mars’ confrontational aspects with Neptune (opposition or square) entail deception and confusion in terms of action or where to direct the active energy. With Mars square Neptune, Patton sees enemy where there isn’t one, and a battlefield where currently nobody is fighting. It would make him high-strung and very defensive of his opinion. Animal fighting instinct may get the better of him. From time to time his soldiers could see his rational thinking simply exits the chat.

Throw good old George a machine gun and some unfortunate soldiers, run as fast as you can towards the opposite direction, take cover, don’t die, and wait for the explosions to blow over. You’d realize we have an 8 out of 10 good Mars, but a pretty problematic man nonetheless.

I give General Patton this song Check my Brain to represent his 12th house Pluto opposite Mercury; a dedication to his intense and compelling thoughts on how to dispatch anything and everything enemy to him into nothingness.

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