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Writer's pictureRuina

I Come with Knives.

This post is a continued discussion about Fedor von Bock's Uranus and other reveries.

This is the title of a song by IAMX.

Such song is not what you'd imagine your admired one would listen to if he was our contemporary; it is a meaningless mental exercise. Instead, a song is what reminds you of your admired one.

Not only does the lyrics contain beautiful German, about the stars, the children, esoteric kisses and the midnight God of all reveries-

Kinder und sterne küssen und verlieren sich

Greifen leise meine hand und führen mich

Die traumgötter brachten mich in eine landschaft

Schmetterlinge flatterten durch meine seele

In der Mitternacht

...but its intensity is striking.

I am only human, I come with knives.

This entry is a continuation of my last post.

I hope my rambling of my superstitious side blog satisfy some curiosity (I doubt). I’ve been thinking about what modern astrologers mean by “stubbornness” when they describe Uranus. They do not understand the knives this god brings.

Uranus natives like new hair-styles, they are innovative, they love new stuff, love new curiosity, they like new excitements… blah blah, now stubbornness? I see how modern astrology gets very muddy very quickly, and I could never see myself an astrologer. I am OK with being just a Tarot reader.

Taurus natives are stubborn, but this stubbornness originates from “harmonious form, stable foundation, and sensual materiality”. The Taurus people are “change-averse”, to be more precise. Ruled by Venus, Taurus is “harmonious form that reveals, the Fibonacci Sequence that does not change its eternal principle”. You cannot disrupt the arrangement of flower petals willy-nilly and expect the flower to still fulfill its biological functions and the beauty attached to its life cycle. It is spiritual-level sensuality that hinders Taurus natives’ movements and adaptability.

It is Venus being stubborn, but is it Uranus stubbornness? OH HELL NO.

I described Saturn a lot in my last post, and Saturn is a significator of structure and discipline. Is Saturn stubborn? No. Saturn is limitation, or brutal reminder of one’s weakness and limitations. Saturn often brings delay, hardship and disappointment. Saturn natives believe in absolutely nothing except those built brick by brick, inch by inch.

Think of some of the art and music virtuosos who practice 48 hours per day despite being the pinnacles of commercial and critical success (Saturn will seek success in a “structure”). Some of them would secretly get very mad very quickly when people call them “natural genius”. Such word is an insult for Saturn. You see the brilliance of Saturn in these excellence-oriented people.

Is Uranus’ brutal drive towards something ideal, the same as Saturn? NO. Besides, Saturn natives are not idealistic.

In Uranus, there’s a willfulness that is not necessarily stubbornness. Uranus is knife, a fucking Katana, a Damascus sword, a diamond blade. So sharp and hard, It does not bend, it does not yield. It cuts. It cuts to the heart.

It cuts out your heart.

Other notes-

Astrologers say Uranus brings in electricity and industrial revolution. It is true. See the steel machinery that cuts into Earth's natural veins and draw her blood, in pursuit of artificial ideals of civilization.

Expecting capitalist society built on Industrial Revolution to miraculously “becomes sustainable “, is like telling prominent Uranus synastry couple “why don’t you settle down, save money, have 2 kids? Why u 2 so turbulent and volatile?” Not gonna happen sorry. Uranus knife-edge ideal have no inbuilt “future”, only “it is the one and only ultimate way of running things (into destruction)"

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