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Writer's pictureRuina

Studying historical figures to learn astrology

When I look at a chart, the first thing I do is identifying which astrological body is the most influential, most powerful. I do not consider myself proficient in astrology, so there’s no elaborate theory behind it. I derived this method from my considerable experience of Tarot card reading—if you trust your cards absolutely wholeheartedly, you can predict the future. I get results that sometimes spook myself and my client.

Let me show you one such case—a client is worried about their final examination, they have only 4 days left to study. The subject is advanced math. They considered asking one of the class tutors to help them.

Issue one- Asking for help from this tutor? Result- Lover/10 of swords—not a good option. The tutor feels no urgency for himself and would stray from the class topic. The client learns nothing at all and is really bad at it.

Issue two- will the client pass this semester? Result- 3 of cups/ the Hierophant. The client IS GOING TO SAFELY PASS THIS CLASS, even though they studies advanced math very poorly. Here, The Hierophant could be identified as the most influential force.

I used Arabian Night Tarot for this client, the 3 of cups shows several women trying to talk an aristocrat into something on a banquet. The Hierophant is a Holy Man who left his body behind as a relic for his disciples.

I tell this client- a handful of people will totally fuck up this exam, as bad as you, you obviously know nothing about math; and this “handful of students” is a big enough number that will make the teacher worried. This group of students will most likely go and negotiate with the teacher for a solution. There will be a group discussion. I advise you pay attention to who fail the test as bad as you, and join this group.

In the end, the teacher will choose to grade the students on class participation, student’s moral value, respect of the teacher and class hard work instead of a number on a final exam—the teacher will try to seek out a kind of “higher moral value”. You will NOT fail this class. You will be safe. Client was still nervous about the exam and incredulous.

A week later, this client came back and tells me what happened- on the final exam date, OVER HALF OF THE STUDENTS simply gave up on math and not show up at all. The tutors and the teacher went into panic mode. They all went away and discuss what to do, and came back with “cancellation of the exam, the grades will be based on class homework and attendance”.

Such is the predictive power of identifying an influential card.

Now back to astrology. All in all, identifying the most crucial planet, then focus solely on it, becomes a way I try to learn reading a chart (disclaimer disclaimer, I’m not an astrologer). I attempt to test this method on charts of historic figures.

I’ve been thirsting over this pretty gentleman here for a while now— one disgruntled by Moscow weathers that he let anti-Hitler faction does activities among his staff, but hehehe I should stop now.

Fedor von Bock has a very prominent and identifiable Uranus in his chart, in tight conjunction with his ascendant. The tighter the conjunction, the more powerful it is. The conjunction is within one degree.

Let us remind ourselves the natures of Uranus—extremely sudden, intense, and high strung; as sharp as a stabbing knife; does not appreciate soft and tender aspects of life. Uranus is very unfavorable to forming stable relationships, but will have multiple exciting and bizarre love affairs. It signifies sudden destruction, accidents and defiance. Uranus will stab you, drive the blade in deep, and twist the handle. Dry and high just like some Aquarius are, Uranus is not easy to get along, let alone get close and dear to.

Since Uranus is extremely high strung, its natives have tense nerves and weak stomach- It is likely true that Fedor suffers from stomach ulcers. I suspect indigestion too, as if his body rejects food and drinks and would rather live on breathing air. Uranus affects him so deep that it is probable he chose to make these inconveniences part of his character. He has extremely poor ability to relax and rest.

The following is the account from Hitler's Generals by W.E. Hart.

Traditionally, it is SATURN who gives discipline, not Uranus. Saturn is structure; Uranus is anti-structure and highly individualistic. SATURN nourishes the body and a person's material realities, URANUS doesn't care. It is unlikely that Fedor values cultivating structure and disciplined routine in his soldiers, it is more likely that he's a fucking hammer, and he fucking drives everybody into the ground. It is a very important distinction to make.

His Uranus shines so much you'd have a hard time believing Fedi is Sagittarius, a joyful, benevolent Jupiter sign. I honestly do not believe this chart has a strong Saturn, either. I would contend that Fedi did not purposefully sent his soldiers to die like a sadistic, calculated monster. The truth is, URANUS cannot grasp the physical-materialistic-structural-reality aspects. Fedi could not comprehend soldiers are people, and people have bodies, bodies die and then bodies rot, the whole thing is messy. He sees it as a sudden burst of flames, then you are no more on this earth, and it is beautiful. One of the rare things that would move him to tears.

It is understandable that Fedi by nature could not handle logistics (hopefully his staff can). It is true that war experts attribute Germany's failure in WWII as a huge logistical problem. He is poor at providing food and shelter for his men. The bodily aspect doesn’t occur to him until the harsh Russian conditions hits him like a ton of bricks. He would be so affected by it, his own body would crumble.

So it's time to drive a point home- not all the time we learn a person by his stars, but we learn about a star from this person, and it is an incredible and valuable lesson. ASTROLOGY CANNOT REPLACE HONEST AND FACTUAL HISTORICAL STUDIES. Never could.

As mentioned, Fedi's Saturn is weak compared to Uranus. Saturn would return a person to their ancestry and tradition; it reminds you that you are part of a structure, a tiny spec in a cold Universe, a screw in the societal machinery. Its reminder can be ruthless and blunt, but its rewards reliable and long lasting. I do NOT believe Fedi sees himself as a part of the Nazi structure and would like to gain a kind of lasting rewards from it.

Here's an interesting thing- modern astrologers tell you that Uranus natives are innovative, cool, they like new stuff, new ideas, new technologies blah blah blah; but Fedi is a well-known and well documented Prussian aristocrat traditionalist. In my opinion, i is because astrologers forget that the generational outer planets are TIMELESS. if "time" is an idea inherently incongruent with Uranus, how do you define what is OLD and what is NEW, say? That is totally meaningless to Fedi-- Prussian ideal is just an intense timeless light for him to burst into flames to. The rest is not important.

Modern astrologers could get things so hilariously wrong, if they do not respect history, but want history to fit into their "modern and better" astrological interpretations to a point of harmful revisionism. Hopefully not many of them are like that.

All that aside, enjoy more fun facts about Fedi-

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